Who is accountable for the genocide in Cambodia?

Posted by Khmer Ancestor Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Genocide in Cambodia - Film document Khmer - French
Also read (គួរអាន) From 17 april 75 to 7 jan 79 victory 7 jan 79 victory Frencho sino yuon, Thioun family and genocide in Cambodia

Full text here Also read From 17 april 75 to 7 jan 79 victory 7 jan 79 victory Frencho sino yuon, Thioun family and genocide in Cambodia

Sihanouk, China, Viet's crusade against US and Cambodia
1. Phat on indochina people conference 65mar5

2. Pekin supports Cambodian/sihanouk Gov 65may7

3. Pekin conference on Cambodia 65may3

4. PRG visit to Cambodia 65jul9

5. LPA interw NFLSV on Cambodia 67jul14

6. DRVN, US aggression againt Cambodia 67sep

7. DRV scores US "Cambodian schemes" 68jan GPPA marks NFL Cambo anniversay relation 68jun

8. DRV yelles, US slander 68aug ho chi minh thanks Sihanouk for support 68aug

9. LPA scores US aggression against Cambodia 68nov20

10. Phat to visit Cambodia, sihanouk 69jun29

11. Phat visiting Cambodia 69jun30

12. Phat trip to Cambodia 69jul7

13. PRG delegation visit to Cambodia 69jul1

14. PRG-KI , meeting in Cambodia 69jul

15. khmer red/Viet in Kampong cham 69oct

16. Etablishement of United front for Cambodia by SVNLA 70feb

17. Coordinated action elements of 7th NVA and red khmer force attack against Camdia, Snoul 70 feb

18. PRGRV on Cambodian situation 70mar28

19. nguyen thi binh decries Phnom Penh events 70mar

20. DRV supports sihanouk 23 mar declaration 70mar

21. hanoi supports Sihanouk stand 70mar

22. NVA plans to assist Khmer rouge 70mar

23. NVN coments Cambodian situation 70mar

24. Hoc tap condenm US role in (its) Cambodian affairs 70mar PRG sihanouk calls for struggle 70apr16

25. PRG smashes Lonnol Sirimatak 70apr13

26. PAVN directive on operation in Cambodia 70apr

27. PAVN unity instruction on operation in Cambodia 70apr

28. nguyen thi binh denounces Lonnol clique 70apr

29. DRV press on Sihanouk question 70apr

30. PRG smashes US aggression against its Cambodia 70apr2

31. indochina People summit 70 apr 24-25_1

32. indochina People summit 70 apr 24-25_2

33. indochina People summit 70 apr 24-25_3

34. indochina People summit 70 apr 24-25_4

35. indochina People summit report after viet70 I

37. indochina People summit report after viet70 II

38. indochina People summit report after viet70 III

39. indochina summit conference joint statement 70apr

40. indochina militants unity70_1

41. indochina militants unity70_2

42. indochina militants unity70_3

43. indochina People summit joint statement 70

44. viet: indochina people united againt US 70may

45. DRV yelles, US invade of Cambodia 70may (not itself) Khmer rouge base policy 70may

46. Mao statement 70may Mao urges to defeat US aggressors 70may20

47. Pekin banquet mission return from Phnom Penh 70may27

48. Penn nouth thanks DRV 70may10

49. viet declare to recognize NUK 70may6

50. PRG denounces US aggression on Cambodia 70may13

51. Quan doi smashes Lonol Serimatak 70may30

52. PRP asssessemt of Cambodian incursion and operation 70jun

53. viet: Nixon vanquished and liar 70jun29

54. PRG ties between its Cambodians 70jun14

55. hanoi confident on Indochina victory 70jun12

56. hanoi Sihanouk treaty 70jun8

57. Quan Gia Phong commentator on Cambodia activities 70jun9

58. PRG statement on Cambodia 70jul2

59. 11th NVA/VC/Khrouge division 70jul

60. chien binh : US Cambodia aggression 70jul

62. FUNK kieu samphan Hu Nim statement on sihanouk trial 70jul

63. Pekin military aid to Sihanouk 70aug17

64. FUNK Keat Chhon on US Lonnol 70aug

65. NVNA force in Cambodia 70aug28

66. viet : etablishement of FUNK radio 70aug

67. NUFK urges army and police to rally to it 70sep25

68. Quan doi on its Cambodian struggle 70sep25

69. Communist reactions to Khmer republic Etablishment 70oct15

70. Pekin statement condemns Loknol 70oct10

71. hanoi, Phnom Penh is isolated 70oct

72. Chou message to sihanouk at Cambodian national day november 70nov

73. Pekin and Sihanouk 70nov16 PRG-nguyen Van Hieu greets Cambodian national day 70nov9 CPR, DRV, NLF, salute Cambodian national day 70nov

74. DRV echoes Sihanouk Denounce 70oct15

75. Chou in lai and sihanouk treaty 70dec

76. hanoi Cambodian battle filed 70dec

77. viet comments on Indochina victory 70dec

79. khmer red cadres note book70-71

80. Ma, Lin, Chou, greet NFLSV 70dec21

81. Pekin NFLSV banquet 70dec19

82. Red khmer and VC relationship 71

83. AKI reviews gains made during 71jan

85. DRV echo Sihanouk calls for Uprising 71jan 24

86. Chou in lai greets sihanouk and Penn Nouth 71feb hanoi press on FUNK achievement 71mar hanoi role in Laos 71mar

87. NUFK leaders,sihanouk, Penn Nouth Kieu Samph 71mar21

88. Penn Nouth, communist leaders and activities 71apr1

89. Khmer rouge VCNVA note 71may

90. Giap congratulates Kieu samphan appointment 71jun

91. Pekin fetes Cambodian resistance 71aug26

92. Chou banquet viet Khmer rouge delegation 71aug PRGRSV greets NUFK media birth 70aug29

93. Khmer resistance further advance 71aug

94. AKI: imperialism (US) intensify its intervention in Cambodia 71sep

95. bihn meet Chou in lai and Sihanouk in Pekin 71sep binh stop in Moscow, Pekin on way home from Paris 71sep

96. khmer rebel 71sept binh meet with sihanouk and wife in Pekin 71sep NUFK meets in Pekin 71oct15

97. Khmer red/viet camp in Campot 71oct9 RGNUC conference in Pekin 71oct15

98. Chou greets Cambodian national day november 71nov

99. DRV, FUFK joint statement 71nov 17

100. DRV noted by (red) Cambodia delegation 71nov DRV, three indochinese insurgent movement 71nov VC/Khmer rouge troop in Kampot 71nov khmer red calls for political struggle against US 71nov PRG-NFL-VANDPF sent message to Sihanouk 71nov8 NUFK urges Camdian soldiers to joint 71dec10 Giap greets Kieu samphan on new year 72jan khmer red urges urban uprising 72jan PRGRSV supports Cambodia anti US struggle 73feb2 Chou review 70 indochina people summit, sihanouk engaged, hanoi press, 72mar Pekin banquet Sihanouk front 72mar PRGRSV-NFL greets Cambodian NUFK 72mar23 Sihanouk unofficial visit to viet 72jun16 Le doc tho, Chou and Sihanouk meet in Pekin 72sep DRV embassy in Peking rejects on peace comment 72oct PRGRSV-NFL_VANDPF greetsCambodian national day 72nov14 Hanoi comments on Sihanouk struggle 72nov PRGRSV supports RGNUC 72nov3 NVA-VC order of battle 72dec_1 NVA-VC order of battle 72dec_2 hanoi comments Sihanouk visit to DRV 73jan hanoi talks with Sihanouk 73feb hanoi, Phnom Penh to collapse 73apr binh concluded visit in Pekin 73jan PRGRSV and Kieu samphan 73mar23 hanoi voice: Cambodian just struggle 73mar binh, chou in lai and sihanouk activities in Pekin 73apr PRG minister raps US-RVN war in Cambodia 73apr18 PRG-NFLSV leadership affiliadted organisation 73apr_1 PRG-NFLSV leadership affiliadted organisation 73apr_2 PRG-NFLSV leadership affiliadted organisation 73apr_3 Chou banquet sihanouk jul73 Quan doi Cambodian situation 73jul24 PRGRSV on Cambodia sihanouk struggle against USA 73aug18 PRGRSV statement on Cambodia 73aug1 DRV statement on Cambodia struggle 73aug viet: Nixon threat against Cambodia 73aug16 DRV to resumes supplies to sihanouk 73sep Lao Cambodian operation 73sep10 Khmer rouge organisation 74jan RGNUC-NUFK greets PRGRSV 5th anni 74jun AKI : Lonnol and Saigon Clique 74jul FUNK-GRUNK member 74 Kieu samphan, Ieng sary visit to viet liberated zone 74jul1 kieu samphan visit to viet 74jul NUFC-RGNUC visit PRG and Laos 74jul5 RGNUC-NUFC visit Viet and Laos 74jul Penn nouth decries Cambodia negociation 74aug13 PRG urges for RGNUC-UN represent 74oct Phat speech and Kieu samphan NUFC 75jan10 PRGRSV-NFLSV deleg visit Cambodian liberated zone 75jan4 PRG-NFL visit to Cambodian liberated zone 75jan8 DRV, RGNUC relationship 75feb khmer rouge 2nd National congress 75feb25 NUFC stress urgency on Camdia 75feb25 DRV role in Cambodia and in indochina 75feb PRGRSV greets viet Cambodian victory 75apr19 Qan doi US failure in Cambodia 75apr20 Khmer rouge delegation left Pekin for hanoi 75aug Pekin Cambodian frienship 75aug18 Pekin: great victor of Cambodia 75 indochina press and activities 75aug Le Duan in Phnom Penh august 75aug sihanouk arrives in Pekin 75sep Cambodia mission in hanoi 76jul ekin denounce Sihanouk entour 75oct25

Sihanouk viet crusades to bring genocide to Cambodia
sihanouk accused US 63nov10 sihanouk seeksalliance with NVA 64feb18 sihanouk Mao 64sep sihanouk visits to PRC 64sept26 sihanouk visits China 64oct sihanouk banquet Chinese leaders 65oct3 sihanouk message to Ho 66jul9 sihanouk reply to Ho 66jul14 sihanouk meet VC 66aug8 sihanouk cables Viet leaders 67mar17 tho thanksSihanouk for supports 67may1 sihanouk thanks Viet 67mar sihanouk calls Khmer to oppose US 67apr3 NFLSV greets Cambodian Leaders 67may12 sihanouk China relationship 67may26 sihanouk to Tho 67jun11 sihanouk DRV statement on border 67jun14 sihanouk NFLSV 67jun15 NFLSV new link with Cambodia 67jun26 SVNFL represent setup in Phnom Penh 67jul3 SVF hails FNL Cambodia relation 67jul16 sihanouk reply to Ho 67jul27 Sihanouk recieves nguyen van hieu in Cambodia 67aug1 NFLVS supports Cambodian anti US statement 67sep5 sihanouk NPLSV 67sep13 sihanouk praises NFLSV 67sep20 sihanouk reaffirms supports viets 67oct30 NFLSV denies VC basew in Cambodia 67nov27 NFL/tho sent greet message to Sihanouk 68jan1 Phat sent greet message to San yun 68mar2 sihanouk pleds supports for NFLSV 68apr21 soviet visitor Plaf situation 68may30 tho thanks for gift from Cambodia 68jun NFL condenms US against Cambodia 68aug18 NFLSV raps US aggression againt Cambodia 68aug18 nguyen Thanh Le and Ho plan 68sep26 NFL/tho, greets sihanouk at national day 68nov8 Sihanouk rejects US delegation 68nov sihanouk hail Ho appeals 68nov25 sihanouk supports DRV-NFLSV group in Paris 68dec31 sihanouk supports SRV-NFLSV in Paris 68dec31 sihanouk fulls supports Viets 69jan6 NFL/viet views cambodian situation 69 sihanouk suppots Tho 69mar14 NFLSV condemns US against Cambodia 69apr6 sihanouk NFL 10point solutions 69jun2 nhan dan : PRG visited t o Cambodia 69jun7 sihanouk recognise PRG 69jun sihanouk welcome Tan Phat 69jun30 sihanouk to Tho 69jul1 SVNLA notebook 69aug sihanouk trade pact Phat 69oct10 sihanouk thanks Tho 69nov13 soc Trang VC region 3th 70jan6 sihanouk appeal to budhhist monks 70feb23 sihanouk left Paris 70mar13 sihanouk continues talk with Soviet 70mar17 soviet China approch in Cambodian crisis 70may22 sihanouk calls Queen to fight against Lonnol 70mar23 sihanouk national front 70mar23 sihanouk declaration 70mar23 sihanouk post march claims 70mar23 sihanouk United Front 70mar23 sihanouk struggle 70mar24 sihanouk calls for struggle 70mar25 SVNLA directive 70mar27 SVNLA Cambodia situation 70mar28 sihanouk to Tho 70mar29 sihanouk, moscow 70apr1 sihanouk rejects corruption charges 70apr2 Sihanouk on US Khmer republic 70apr6 sihanouk to Chou In Lai 70apr9 United front organisation 70apr19 sihanouk sent its gratitude to Chou 70apr10 sihanouk join Guerrillas 70apr17 sihanouk sent its gratitude to Tho 70apr15 sihanouk 3th message to nation 70apr23 sihanouk traitors 70apr28 sihanouk calls for struggle 70apr29 sihanouk new gov 70may6 sihanouk formed new Gov 70may6 sihanouk requests USSR to recognise his gov 70may12 sihanouk Pekin 70may21 sihanouk hopes for soviet recognition 70may25 sihanouk VC-NVA relation 70may25 sihanouk supports fight against US 70may26 sihanouk left Pekin for hanoi 70may27 sihanouk visitsDRV 70jun1 sihanouk Maos 70jun8 sihanouk interviewing by Japan TV, indochina struggle 70jun21 SVNLA meet on Sihanouk 70jun25 sihanouk intention 70jun30PPC nhan Dan cites its Cambodian victories 70jul1 sihanouk 7th message for arm struggle against imperialism 70jul17 sihanouk to nation 70jul18 sihanouk message via FUNK radio 70aug3 SVN Cambodia border area 70aug14 sihanouk denies his troops are vietcong 70sep24 sihanouk Pekin 70sep28 sihanouk NUFK thank PRC 70sep30 sihanouk, future of Cambodia 70oct sihanouk, Pekin supports his gov 70oct sihanouk Pnouth calls Khmer republic 70oct10 stockholm conference endorses 70dec1 stockholm conference DRV-PRG 70dec1 NFLSV meets Cambodian leaders 70dec20 sihanouk Viet joint statement 71jan sihanouk calls Khmer people to rebel against Lonnol 71jan20 sihanouk Penn nouth congratulated Kieu samphan 71jan24 sihanouk meet DRV leader in hanoi 71feb9 sihanouk visits hanoi 71feb9 sihanouk Ton Duc Thang joint statement 71feb10 sihanouk appeal for uprising 71feb21PK sihanouk Chou In Lai 71mar sihanouk 20th message, US Lonnol 71mar16 sihanouk to nation 71fev12 sihanouk appeal monks to joint struggle 71mar19PK sihanouk opinion on Cambodian situation 71mar18 sihanouk banquet by PRC 71mar20 sihanouk 20th message to nation 71mar26 sihanouk exile in Pekin 71apr sihanouk to nation at new year 71apr14 sihanouk thanksTrinh Dinh Thao 71may11 sihanouk, vietcong 70may22 sihanouk Nixon Chou talks 71jul31 sihanouk China friendship 71aug2 sihanouk Penn nouth embassy affaires 70aug18 sihanouk explains return to Pekin 71sep soviet supports polit program of front 71sep10 RGNUC sends its gratitude to Chou 71sep29 sihanouk love viet song 71oct10 sihanouk indochina wide conference 70oct11 sihanouk Penn nouth to DRV 71nov18 sihanouk meet Pham van don 71nov23 tho, Viets are determinated fight against US 71dec sihanouk congratulates Kieu samphan 71dec5 sihanouk meet hanoi, Nixon 71dec7 sihanouk on US interference 71dec15 sihanouk on China USSR tribin 71dec23 sihanouk among Vietcong 72feb21 sihanouk on Nixon 72jan31 sihanouk enjoy TET with Viet people 72feb sihanouk Ien sary meet 72feb27 sihanouk visits DRVN 72feb28 sihanouk visits to DRVN 72mar6 sihanouk, Chou assured his victory 72mar9 sihanouk reaffirms NUFK 72mar19 sihanouk in Pekin 72mar20 NFLSV supports Cambodia/sihanouk 72mar22 sihanouk military composition 72mar24 sihanouk 36th to nation 72sep sihanouk 37th message, Long boret, Lon 72sep hanoi, three nations against US 72sepOct sihanouk Kieu samphan 72oct8 sihanouk, PRC-DRV assurance 72oct12 sihanouk Mao 72oct16 sihanouk smashes Khmer republic 72oct17 China finances sihanouk war 72oct24 sihanouk left Pekin for hanoi 72oct27 sihanouk Pekin banquet 72oct29 PRGRSV NFL VNADPF leaders greets sihanouk birthday 72oct30 VNA Pham van don visit Penn nouth 73 sihanouk65-73, red leaders sihanouk FUNK 73 sihanouk Paris conference 73 sihanouk Viet 73jan21 sihanouk, US Viet war end 73jan26 sihanouk on Viet/VC election 73jan28 sihanouk Gov exile statement 73jan29 sihanouk 40th message, Lonnol 73jan30PK sihanouk arrives in Canton from hanoi 73feb8 sihanouk DRV visit 73fev9 sihanouk visits PRC 73apr3 sihanouk, hanoi banquet 73apr9 sihanouk liberated zone 73apr9 NFLSV-PRCRSV message to Sihanouk 73apr9 sihanouk hanoi 73apr10 Nhan Dan hail Sihanouk 73apr12 sihanouk liberated zone 73apr12 sihanouk Pekin banquet 73apr12 sihanouk conference in liberated zone 73apr16 nhan dan comment its Cambodian victories 73may8 sihanouk 9months with maguis 73may sihanouk on Cambodian situation 73may22 sihanouk on DRV troop 73jun17 sihanouk admits VC Present 73jun20 sihanouk pleds 73jul10 sihanouk speech at banquet Of Chou 73jul6 nhanDan supports Sihanouk rejecting Phnom Penh Negociation proposal 73jul14 Sihanouk bulletin 73jul Sihanouk bulletin 73jul, special N° sihanouk Tho 73aug13 RVN Denies its troops in Cambodia 73aug20 sihanouk reveals military supplies 73sept4 sihanouk Tho meets 73sept7 sihanouk, PRC-DRV supply 73sep21 sihanouk, will not meet Kissinger 73oct9 sihanouk Lonnol traitor 73oct13 tho meet Cambodian leaders in Pekin 73nov23 sihanouk officialise GRUNK 73nov27 sihanouk to Reuter 73nov29 sihanouk Grunk ONU 73dec8 sihanouk to press on Lonnol 73dec10 tho to Cambodia conference 73dec10 VPA supports RGNUC struggle 73dec11 sihanouk, control of Cambodia 73dec17 sihanouk hanoi Laos 74mar16 Sihanouk bulletin 74jun sihanouk smashes US 74jul sihanouk, US war role 74jul11 Tho Kieu Samphan sign joint statement 74jul7 sihanouk smashes US 74aug20 sihanouk smashes US 74nov sihanouk statemennt on UN resolution on Camdia 74dec31 tho message to Laos Cambodian leaders 75jan7 sihanouk recieved RGNUC ministers 75jan16 sihanouk thanks Pham van dong 75feb sihanouk in hanoi 75fev9 sihanouk, US aggression 75feb14 sihanouk in hanoi 75feb10 sihanouk visits hanoi 75feb15 sihanouk Iengsary in hanoi 75feb20 sihanouk, US aids cant save Phnom Penh 75feb26 sihanouk cites DRV reactions 75feb28 sihanouk on Cambodia 75mar nhan Dan comment its Cambodian congress 75mar3 sihanouk on US aids to Cambodia 75mar4 sihanouk warning to US 75mar7 sihanouk predicts its victory 75mar7 sihanouk smashes US 75mar sihanouk outline policy 75mar20 sihanouk victory 75mar23 RGNUC statement NUFC-CPNLAF anni 75mar25 soviet greets NUF anni 75mar26 Sihanouk messages 75aprII Sihanouk declaration 75apr Sihanouk sent messages of gratitude to its masters and brothers of arm 75apr Sihanouk declaration 75mar sihanouk calls 75apr2 sihanouk, viet articles 75apr2 sihanouk future plan 75apr6 sihanouk G.bush contacts 75apr14 hanoi, US defeat in Cambodia 75apr14 sweden recognises RGNUC, Khmer rouge viet articles 75apr15 Thao greets Sihanouk victory 75apr17 sihanouk letter to Chou 75apr18 soviet sent congratulation to Sihanouk 75apr18 sihanouk to Moscow 75apr23 sihanouk greets DRV Laos leaders 75apr27 sihanouk thanks world for supporting his struggle 75apr29 Sihanouk communications 75mayI sihanouk Kieu samphan 75may1 sihanouk greets PRGRSV leaders 75may2 sihanouk inform Cambodian situation 75may7 sihanouk plan 75mar7 sihanouk fraternal with Viets 75may5 Sihanouk warns Japan to leave US 75may11 sihanouk recognises new Gov 75jul22 sihanouk to Kim Jong Ill 75aug27 sihanouk Kieu Samphan agreet for return 75aug20 sihanouk Kieu samphan Kim Jung ill meet 75aug20 sihanouk in Pekin 75sep04 united Front Phnom Penh 75sept10 sihanouk/khmer rouge feted their victory 75sept17 sihanouk plan 75oct sihanouk on Cambodia situation 75oct2 sihanouk UN general assembly 75oct8 sihanouk monique tour 75nov15 sihanouk Phnom Penh situation 75nov17 sihanouk visites east europe 75dec1 sihanouk Phnom Penh future plan 75dec17 VNA support Khmer rouge congress 75dec17

French Degaule, China, Cambodia, Viet and communist crusade against US
Degaulle and China 64feb viet, US use UN to interfer in Cambodia 64jun18 Degaulle pursues asian policy 66aug Degaulle New Peace Plan 66aug12 Degaulle foreign policy 67dec7 Viet, US cant scare Cambodian people (or itself) 67dec11 viet, US show lack of goodwill 68apr16 viet, US show cunning 68apr17 viet US full responsible 68sep15 viet, US bears responsability 69nov26 versailles congress 70feb PRG comment on Cambodian situation 70mar viet welcome to Pekin 70sep5 moscow making NFL anni 71dec22 DRV versailles Indochina conference 72feb11 Versaille world assembly 72feb16 tho left Paris to Pekin Moscow 72oct14 NCNA, versaille world assembly 72feb17 sihanouk DRV joint statement rejecting Nixon 72mar7 tho arrives hanoi from Paris, Moscow and Pekin 72oct16 US anti war delegation visits DRV 72nov14 European reactions to US policies in Viet 73 I European reactions to US policies in Viet 73 II sihanouk discourage to defeat Lonnol 73oct30 USSR supports Sihanouk causes 73dec4 viet on Cambodia solidarity conference held in Paris 73dec12 sihanouk conference in Paris 73dec13 People for democracy seeks to recognise DRV-RGNUC 74jun4 French peace movement 73jun14 tho in pekin 73nov sihanouk rejects Phnom Penh talks 74aug16 UN rejects to chang seat 75jan Paris radio, red voice 75mar17 soviet supports NUFC-RGNUC 75mar23 USSR rexpels Lonnol 75mar28 French RGNUC tied 75apr13 tho LPA On Indochina Anni 75apr29 sihanouk devalues its victories 75may14 sihanouk to director of French press sihanouk discours 75oct6

Khmer rouge, Viet barrage against peace negociation
sihanouk opposes to US role in talks 65jan11 viet rejects bilateral bord talks 65apr26 viet criticized Johson peace proposal 65dec14 DVR mourn to be victims following calls for peace by British foreign minister 67jan Cuu Long Smarshing US Plan april 67apr17 Negociation, key issue US, Hanoi, NFL 67jun2 Peace negociation and communist aggression 69jan viet from Cambodia 69jan14 viet refuses ceasefire 69sep9 Viet, action against pacific plan 69nov12 phat rejectsNixon peace proposal 70oct7 nhan Dan attack US peace proposal 70oct10 Pekin denounces US peace plan 70oct12 RGNUC echo Sihanouk rejeting Nixon proposal for peace conference 70oct13 PRG-NLF reaction to US peace proposal 70oct14 NUFK rejecting US proposal 70oct21 DRV rejects Cambodia government peace talk 70oct24 LRV Rejects US Ceasefi Conference proposal 70oct25 US calls for Indochina conference 71feb8 sihanouk Rejects talks 71jul12 sihanouk rejects compromis 71nov20 RGNUC smashes as Nixon diplomat plot 72jan28 RGNU against Nixon plan for peace 72jan31 sihanouk condenms Nixon 8point peace 72feb2 RGNUC refutes Nixon Peace Plan 72feb8 NURC condemn US peace proposal 73feb15 sihanouk refuses talks 73jul5 sihanouk refuses to meet Kissinger 73jul5 sihanouk denies Nixon statement on Cambodia 73aug23 sihanouk denies peace meeting 73aug31 Phnom Penh, hanoi oppose to Cambodian peace 73sep7 hanoi opposes to Cambodian Peace 73sep7 sihanouk ordonnons 73nov9 sihanouk reject negociation 74jul9PK sihanouk rejects talks 74jul12 sihanouk reject negociation proposal 74jul13 viet, Lonol cunning initiation 74jul15 AKI echo hanoi rejects US and Phnom Penh Peace Negociation 74jul30 sihanouk reaffirms reject negociation with Lonnol 74aug5 US, negociation in Cambodia who to deal? 74dec sihanouk refuses Peace negociation 74dec sihanouk denounces Fench US calls for peace talks 74dec24 sihanouk refuting negociation 75jan6 sihanouk rejects negociation 75feb27 sihanouk rejects negociation 75mar24 sihanouk rejects talks 75apr4

VC/NVA violation and aggression of Cambodia
viet communist struggle for Cambodia 30-70 viet, US aggression against Laos 61jan5 viet, JFK old argument cover US manoeuver 61mar25 viet, Johnson is stupid and stubborn 65apr1 Cambodia and vietcong, CIA study 65dec22 VC food supply problem 66-68 viet Ho TrinhT solution for Cambodia and Laos 66may11 VC border activation 67mar17 VC sanctuaries in Cambodia 67aug29 Cambodia and viet communism report 67nov16 VC camp in Cambodia 67nov21 viet, US aggression against its Cambodia 67nov30 viet supporters and partners 67dec23 US, Viet uses Khmer territory 67dec27 US deep concern over Cambodian problem with vietcong 67dec28 US concerns of VC uses Cambodain land for its war 68jan10 viet Cambodia relation 68jun22 viet front notes friendship with Khmer people 69apr14 Vietcong in Cambodia 69jul6 viet eco pact with sihanouk 69oct3 border problem, viet mode of operation 69dec15 vietcong aggression 70_1 vietcong aggression 70_2 vietcong aggression 70_3 Vietcong infiltration 70feb26 VC expand its control over Cambodia 70marApr1 VC expand its control over Cambodia 70marApr2 VC-NVA attitude to the new development in Camdia 70mar viet on Cambodia border situation 70mar viet measure with khmer 70mar viet on Cambodain US situation 70mar viet on Camdian situation 70mar viet on Coup 70mar viet turns deaf to Cambodian resquest to withdral its troops from Cambodia 70mar viet its relation with Cambodia 70mar14 viet reaction and strategies follow Cambodia coup 70mar22 viet press on Cambodia coup 70mar23 viet thanks Sihanouk for supports 70mar27 VC khmer rouge operation info 70mar30 VC appraisal Cambodian situation 70mar31 Vietcong Chain0 viet calls Khmerfor Uprising after coup 70mar31 viet panic and mesaures follow Cambodia coup 70marApr viet reactions and programs suite to Cambodian coup 75apr Cambodian campaigns against VC/NVA in Cambodia 70aprjunIV viet base meeting on Lonnol 70apr19 viet front organisation work in Cambodia 70apr viet meeting on Cambodia 70apr viet military and political force involved 70apr Cambodian campaigns against VC/NVA in Cambodia 70aprjunI Cambodian campaigns against VC/NVA in Cambodia 70aprjunII Cambodian campaigns against VC/NVA in Cambodia 70aprjunIII viet front mission in Cambodia 70may viet note on Cambodia 70may viet assistance in founding Cambodian Front 70may viet comments Cambodia confict at Djakarta 70may1 Senate questions on VC/NVA sanctuaries in Cambodia 70may1 viet Camp in Cambodia 70may2 US, viet use of Cambodian territory 70may5 VC supports Sihanouk 5 point claims 70may10 Questions on VC/NVA in Cambodia and Laos 70may12 VC/NAV attacks 70may15 viet training and operation in Cambodia 70may16 Vietcong fleds to Cambodia 70may18 Questions on VC/NVA sanctuaries in Cambodia 70may19 VC Vietminh aggression against Cambodia 70may22 VC/NVA and sihanouk(Khmer rouge) relation 70may25 VC-NVA aids to Cambodia 70may26 viet on Cambodian struggle 70may26 VC-NVA campaign in Cambodia 70apr14 viet, indochina people intensify anti US struggle 70jun12 VC-NVA activities in Cambodia 70jun13 Cambodian faces the violation and invasion of NVA and vietcong 70jun25 viet activities in Cambodia 70mayJun viet, Lonnol defect 70jun2 viet, Sihanouk 6th to khmer people 70jun3 viet on Cambodia border situation 70jun24 viet intention in indochina 70jun26 VC-NVA visit Cambodia 70jun28 Vietcong notes on Cambodia 70jul viet reactions to Nixon and Cambodian report 70jul1 Vietcong defector reveal Khmer rouge stategy 70jul10 VC view point relation 70jul13 Open letter of Cambodian intellectuals on vietcong threat on Cambodia 70jul22 viet urges to defeat US aggression 70jul22 US : hanoi use Cambodia against South Viet 70aug2 Agnew trip 70aug28 VC region2 , border area 70sep11 VC-NVA mission 70sep18 Viet presence in Cambodia 70oct VC plan over Cambodia 70oct19_1 VC plan over Cambodia 70oct19_2 viet Khmer red success 70nov12 viet on its Cambodia brother 70nov15 VC region7, BaRialongKhanh 70nov25 Cambodia survival faces to VC/NVA aggression 70dec viet ideological indoctrinated 70dec15 Cambodia, VC/ communist attack Cambodia after coup, VC attack 70dec16 VC target intellecttuals 71jan Vietcong Plan 71jan_1 Vietcong Plan 71jan_2 viet open battle for Cambodia 71jan11 viet: recent feat of arms of Cambodia and Laos people hailed 71apr14 viet indochina strategy 71mar VC/khmer rouge camp in Kratie 71mar4 viet role in Laos 71mar19 viet cries its Cambodian victory 71apr29 Capture of Kett Webb in Cambodia by VC 71may18 VC plans to etablish communism in Cambodia 71jun3 viet region 6th 71jun29 viet on Cambodian resistance force 71jul25 Vietcong operation in Siemriep 71nov11 VC political instruct 72oct31_1 VC political instruct 72oct31_2 Vietcong style regime 72oct US: Communist organisation in Cambodia 72dec31 viet statement on Cambodia 73jan viet statement on Cambodia 73jan30 viet statement on Cambodia 73feb1 viet denies RVN troops in Cambodia 73aug17 viet/Khmer rouge revolution 74jan9 VC/NVA moved in Cambodia 74dec Captured of VC by our soldiers 75mar17 viet on Cambodian resistance against US 75may

US bombing of Cambodia and vietcong sanctuaries in Cambodia
communist rebelts in Cambodia 57 sihanouk 67may on VC 67may US: bombing Vietcong Sanctuaries, consent of Khmer gov 67aug Builtup of supplies and sanctuaries in Cambodia 67aug US worrying of vietcong violation of Cambodian border 67dec15 Vietcong built bases in Cambodia 70 hanoi : Cambodia protests against vietcong 70mar11 US seeks to destroy Vietcong sanctuaries in Camdia 70may Development in Cambodia following 18 march coup 70may11 US on Cambodia and vietcong background in Cambodia 70may19 DRVN statement on USCambodian bombing 70aug22 sanctuary Warfare 71 Cambodian incursion, viet sanctuaries viet infiltration in Cambodia 71jul18 Cambodia, press conference on vietcong 73apr12 DRV scores US bombing of Cambodia 73apr16 hanoi protestes increasing bombing of Cambodia 73may21 Cambodia bombing worldwide treatment 73aug8 saigon, US bombing in Cambodia may force communists for Peace negociation 73aug15

Viet political organisations
viet mission in Cambodia and Laos 54oct15_1 viet mission in Cambodia and Laos 54oct15_2 viet minh 57_1 viet minh 57_2 Truth on Viet-China relation late 30yrs_1 Truth on Viet-China relation late 30yrs_2 viet, frienship among people 63jan18 VC external 65mar15_1 VC external 65mar15_2 VC motivation moral 65mar_1 VC motivation moral 65mar_2 viet against US aggression 65apr_1 viet against US aggression 65apr_2 viet communist front 65jul Vietcong 65dec1 Lao (viet) people20 yrs revolutionary struggle 66 viet nation, system, politics and culture 67mar viet cradle of revolution 67apr1 viet from Moscow to Pekin 68feb_1 viet from Moscow to Pekin 68feb_2 Pariss conference on Viet 69oct12 iet policy prospect 70mar19_1 viet policy prospect 70mar19_2 Vietcong 70mar31 xuan Thuy interview 70apr29 xuan Thuy on indochina development 70apr29 viet war policy 70jun4_1 viet war policy 70jun4_2 viet people war against US 70dec13 viet ideology conflict within people libetation armed forces 71may_1 viet ideology conflict within people libetation armed forces 71may_2 Viet-China relation 71jul20 xuan thuy, if Nixon want peace 71aug5 VC military region 71sep21_1 VC military region 71sep21_2 VC military region 71sep21_3 viet political scene 71sep12 viet communists 71oct22 viet communist determination 71oct22 ietnamization, its program and problem 72jan5_1 vietnamization, its program and problem 72jan5_2 viet thousands years of struggle 72jun_1 viet thousands years of struggle 72jun_1 viet leaders biography vietnamization failure, Nixon doctrine 72mar13 viet Paris-agreement 73jan29 viet Paris-agreement 73feb1_1 viet Paris-agreement 73feb1_2 Paris agreement on Viet, what peace 73feb_1? Paris agreement on Viet, what peace 73feb_2? Paris agreement on Viet, what peace 73feb_1? Paris agreement on Viet, what peace 73feb_2? world and great victory of Viet 75may

China US approach follow Paris meet talk 73
Kissinger visit to China 73sep26 kissinger Visit to China 73nov12
incident in Phnom Penh with DRV-PRGSV 70mar13 hanoi sees Cambodian coup as US plot 70mar23 hanoi Khmer tells of fear 70apr2 Indochina New War 70oct1 hanoi swears on Lonnol 73feb30 Cambodian people, who to mad at 73aug How Cambodia hangs on 73sep khmer rouge 3 major factions 74feb Communism in Cambodia, who are the real leaders? 75apr16 Phnom Penh students joint rebel 75apr28
US senates, Khmer republic
MMfield study on viet Cambodia and Lao 53oct27 US Economic aids to Cambodia 55-59 viet Cambodia borber control problem 61sept7 Seato undertaken red reactions 61oct10 Phnom Penh againt SVN chemicals 63may18 Kossamak oppose to US diplomatic break 65jun US opposes direct talk with VC 66aug15 US efforts to archieve peace in Viet 67mar30 US Note over VC execution 67jun27 US if hanoi wants talk 68jan4 lonnol become Gen by accident 70mar3 Khmer republic national assembly debat on Vietcong problem 70mar19 Proposal to end Viet fight 70mar21 Government deny order of viet massacre 70apr17 william P Roger, VC expansion 70apr18 US force intervention in Cambodia 70may2 US action in Cambodia 70may28 US military legal in Cambodia 70may28 US Senate, to end war 70jun10 US escalation effort in Cambodia 70jun25 Nixon report on Cambodia 70jun30 Nixon, military operation in Cambodia 70jun30 Nixon report on Cambdia operations 70jun30 Nixon statement on Cambodia 70jun30 Nixon report on Cambodia 70jul US, conversation with President 70jul US impact of Vietwar 71jun30 william B Rosson , CV/Viet perspective 70oct US increases intervention in Camdia 70oct1 US senate on Cambodia 70dec16 US, VC in Cambodia 71feb8 Lonnol press statement 71oct21 lonnol, press misunderstand Cambodia 71oct22 lao Cambo Viet tomorrow 71mar Cambodian crisis 73 Phnom Penh denounces DRV 73feb6 khmer republi



