Posted by Khmer Ancestor Thursday, January 29, 2009

The outside world for the most part was very badly informed. A great part of the articles on the Democratic Kampuchea's situation were characterized by assumptions, interrogations and a general sense of uncertainty. Despite the lack of information, the most alert had their own doubts concerning the actual situation.

“The Cambodians always fight among themselves in the matter of concession. The losers in these fights go off to ask help from a neighboring state; the winner must ask for forces from the others.” - King Rama III of Siam

(Yuon) Lieutenant-General Phan Thach Van also calls Khmers "Ill-natured barbarians, ill-natured blood, Khmers have traits of stupidity, idiot, illogic."

Khmer Proverb: To commit an evil act in order to create a division. "To beat the water and scare away the fish." That was why no one could figure out the “Who was Angkar Leur/Cap Tren,” which are the secret words of Hanoi-meaning “To divide and rule”. “To murder the Khmers for needy-hungry Vietnamese people who need more land”.

“To Kill a Good Man is better than keeping an Enemy Alive.” Uncle Ho

“To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss.” Yuon Angkar

Mysterious Anonymous higher Organization in Khmer “Angkar Leur”, in Viet “Cap Tren”. ANGKAR is a Yuon language.
The cause of this astonishing longevity was simple: the Khmer Rouge were not overly preoccupied with American imperialism. Their primary concern was to get even with their Vietminh and Vietcong comrades-at-arms, not to mention the laborious liquidation of the Khmer Vietminh and pro-Sihanouk forces. The war that lasted from March, 1970 until April 1975 was truly an unusual, an extraordinary one. - Norodon Sihanouk

The Khmer Rouge and Sihanoukists do not exist. They were figments of the propaganda and imagination of Mr Sihanouk hiding in Peking. The only forces assigned against the Khmer Republic were the North Vietnamese and Vietcong. These forces occasionally had the odd Khmer among them and they also killed Khmers and left their bodies on the battlefields to trick the westerners and non republican fools. - Chann Sokhom

“Amoeba parasites like, communist Vietnam practice, gently and slowly, neo-colonialism in Laos and Cambodia using the traditional Vietnamese method of expansionism called Don Dien, first with territory occupations by armed troops then followed by the installation their families on the recently conquered territories. The armed forces are disguised as civilians, becoming “reserved” soldiers who can be called upon at any time. The latter are then replaced by new armed troops thus progressing further Vietnamese expansionism.” - Mike Benge

Another important step in the first phase was eliminating Pol Pots fervent cadres, yet taking salvageable Khmer Rouge and the regimes slaves to Vietnam. In this way the Vietnamese were able to bring ten of thousands of Kampuchean civilians into their country in January 1978. Shortly after the voluntary retreat of Giaps troops on January 6, 1978, the Khmer Rouge complained of “renewed attempts to overthrow the government” by “Vietnamese agents.” - William Shawcross

Their principal motive, it is apparent, was fear that the North Vietnamese might betray them completely. In Cambodian terms that betrayal had already begun. Sihanouk complained to the New York Times in July that the North Vietnamese were far more interested in American aid than in helping Cambodia. “Suddenly you see Dr. Kissinger smile and Mr. Le Duc Tho smile at Dr. Kissinger. They shake hands, and they go arm in arm and leave us alone.” Norodom Sihanouk

All these testimonials clearly show the conquest of one country by another. The victorious country plunders the loosing one, carrying with it all it needs and destroying all that is useless or inconvenient. The cultural destruction of Khmer inheritance was nothing more than the assassination of the national, cultural, and racial identity of a Nation. It is therefore easy for the invaders or attackers to radically eliminate at the same time the people, the culture, and the identity of a nation in order to introduce the new elements. - F. Ponchaud

Foreign experts on Cambodian History who have been trying to find a tiny needle that the Angkar Leur/Cap Tren throws into the bottom of South China Sea, but no one + many super-illiterate-ignorant Khmer peasants and short-sighted educated townspeople cant find it at all because Yuon secret agents as Angkar Leur/Cap Tren used only Vietcong/Yuon citizens, who used to living in Cambodia since the murderous French colonial period could speak, read and write Khmer much better than about more than 80% of Cambodian peasants can, had shown up their faces as the Khmer Rouge who came out of the jungles everywhere in Cambodia as Khieu Samphan and Prince Norodom Sihanouk clearly tells us Khmer victims of the Vietcong that all the Khmer Rouge are treacherously accused of belonging to Khieu Samphan and Prince Sihanouk: - Some say Sihanouks army, was told To stay at home. Whereas Khieu Samphans and Hu Nims army ordered to evacuate them all out of the city. Some said Sihanouks army dressed up in Khaki, whereas the people who dressed up in black are all Khieu Samphans men. And that researcher confirms that Sihanouks army appeared from the Eastern Region. In fact, Hu Nim, myself like Hou Youn, too, are that we dont have any army at all. We all are just only the appearance of the Khmer Rouge movement. - Khieu Samphan

Note: To read document, please click below link title and download.

[Phase 1] Evil-Spirited Dracula Angkar LeuCap Tren Yuon Forced......
[Phase 2] 200,000 Vietnamese Citizens were noiselessly shipped back to Srok Yuon
[Phase 3] At Koh Keo Village in the East of Phnom Penh
[Phase 4] Stolen Goods to Srok Yuon freely and happily
[Phase 5] Killed all Lon Nol’s Soldiers
[Phase 6] Leaving Koh Keo Village for Battambang on the Barge, Trucks and Trains like animals
[Phase 7] Brutally Searched and Confiscated
[Phase 8] All Children were Brutally Separated from their parents
[Phase 9] Buddhist Monks on the worksite in 1976
[Phase 10] All Khmers who were Brutally Starved and Forced to work Extremely hard...
[Phase 11] Khmer Educated men were lied to break rocks and pick corns...
[Phase 12] Khmer Krom people and all Cambodians were accused of being Yuon...
[Phase 13] Forced Marriage
[Phase 14] Khmer Rouge were also Brutally Murdered...
[Phase 15] Searched, Imprisoned and Killed
[Phase 16] All Khmers who were told to dig our own graves and to eat Poison soup


  1. Anonymous Said,

    Well too bad for Thai people because Khmer numerals are written on every Thai bank note and on every Thai coin along the Thai King picture to prove that Khmers are the Master of Thai people always.
    Khmer ancestors were Indian-Khmers and Khmers owned Indian culture. The Khmer King Kaudinya was a Khmer Prince from Kalinga, India married to a Khmer Princess Soma, a daughter of the Khmer King Naga. People can see Naga almost everywhere in the Khmer temples and the Khmer pagodas today.
    Also the Khmer King Kambu from Kambodja, India married to a Khmer Princess Mera who created Khmer = Kam=Mera = Kamer = Khmer and called their country Kamuchea.

    No matter what bad and good thing happened to Khmer people, Khmer still proud to be born as Khmer. But Thai always changed their race and root because the bad happened to them.
    Thai is the lost race. Thai lost its Tai root to the Mongol and Thai lost its Siam root to the Burmese.

    Posted on February 2, 2009 at 1:18 PM

  2. Anonymous Said,

    Well too bad for Thai people because Khmer numerals are written on every Thai bank note and on every Thai coin along the Thai King picture to prove that Khmers are the Master of Thai people always.
    Khmer ancestors were Indian-Khmers and Khmers owned Indian culture. The Khmer King Kaudinya was a Khmer Prince from Kalinga, India married to a Khmer Princess Soma, a daughter of the Khmer King Naga. People can see Naga almost everywhere in the Khmer temples and the Khmer pagodas today.
    Also the Khmer King Kambu from Kambodja, India married to a Khmer Princess Mera who created Khmer = Kam=Mera = Kamer = Khmer and called their country Kampuchea.

    No matter what bad and good thing happened to Khmer people, Khmer still proud to be born as Khmer. But Thai always changed their race and root because the bad happened to them.
    Thai is the lost race. Thai lost its Tai root to the Mongol and Thai lost its Siam root to the Burmese.

    Posted on February 2, 2009 at 1:20 PM



