Gold Dealers Are Ripping You Off... And You’re Thanking Them For It!
You’re Paying For “Big Gold Dealers” To Live High On The Hog,
Every Time You Buy. But, Due To Upcoming “Backwardation”
You Can Take That Money - Plus Interest - And Put It Back In
Your Pocket Where It Belongs.
You and every other American who doesn’t have faith in the government to protect his rights, liberty and especially not his property.
With the state our economy is in now (thanks liberals), pretty soon there isn’t going to much other than “change” left. The days of the prosperous American dream are alive to just a select few...
And the big gold dealers know it.
Sure, you’ve tried to speak out. Tried to keep a handle on the property that is by all worldly rights yours. Maybe even rally with some of the patriots attempting to save our great nation (thank you Tea Party members!), but the truth of the matter is...
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