United States presidents and their advisers

Posted by Khmer Ancestor Tuesday, March 31, 2009

United States presidents and their advisers

This is a compilation of actions by presidents of the United States, and their advisers, that affected other individuals and countries featured on this website.

Information is presented in a time-line. The inclusion of an administration does not necessarily imply that its actions led to avoidable human deaths and suffering.


President - Harry S. Truman (Democrat)
Vice President - 1945-1949 none; 1949-1953 Alben Barkley 
Secretary of State - 1945 E. R. Stettinius, Jr; 1945-1947 James F. Byrnes; 1947-1949 George C. Marshall; 1949-1953 Dean Acheson 
Secretary of Defence - 1947-1949 James Forrestal; 1949-1950 Louis A. Johnson; 1950-1951 George C. Marshall; 1951-1953 Robert A. Lovett

1945 - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies from a massive cerebral haemorrhage on 12 April. Vice President Harry S. Truman is sworn in as president the same day.

On 7 May the Second World War in Europe ends when Germany surrenders unconditionally. The focus of the war now shifts to the Pacific, where Japancontinues to hold out against the advancing Allies, who in this theatre of operations are led by the United States.

In June the Japanese determine to fight to the finish. Their plan for a last-stand battle against a US-led invasion is called 'Ketsu Go' (Operation Decisive). Japanese troops are massed in the south of Kyushu Island, where the invasion forces are expected to land.

On 25 July President Truman authorises the use of atomic bombs against the Japanese.

The order to use the bomb states that the "Air Force will deliver its first special bomb as soon as weather will permit visual bombing after about 3 August 1945 on one of the targets: Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata and Nagasaki. ...

"Additional bombs will be delivered on the above targets as soon as made ready by the project staff. Further instructions will be issued concerning targets other than those listed above."

The first bomb is dropped on Hiroshima on 6 August. A second bomb is dropped on Nagasaki on 9 August. The bombs kill about 120,000 people outright and fatally injure over 100,000 more. Japanese Emperor Hirohito surrenders unconditionally on 14 August 1945, ending the Second World War.

1950 - The US recognises South Vietnam and sends a group of military advisers to train the South Vietnamese in the use of US weapons. Chinaresponds by recognising communist North Vietnam and agreeing to provide it with limited assistance. Official recognition of North Vietnam by the Soviet Unionsoon follows.

1951 - In February the government of Iran votes to nationalise the country's oil industry, which has been controlled by the British since the start of the century. In April the Iranian Parliament names Mohammed Mossadegh as its prime minister.

1952 - The US successfully detonates a hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok Atoll (the Marshall Islands) on 1 November. Though smaller in size than the bombs exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the hydrogen bomb is 2,500 times more powerful. The island on which the bomb is tested is completed destroyed.



