Monkey Planet
Written by: General Norotin
Since 1975, in the western countries, especially in France, if talking about the failure of the USA at Indochinese Region, they are habitual to mix three countries, including Lao, Vietname, and Cambodia. In this sense, I would like to indicate that The USA had never had the battle army settled in Cambodia. The intervention made by the USA in Cambodia was just to provide secretly the military supply assistance, such as weapons when France, which had been these three countries'colony, pulled itself from the Indochinese Territory.
In the USA during this decade, there was the conflicts between the two giant parties, Republic Party and Democratic Party.
Three stars rising in the Indochinese Territory such as Souvanna Phouma, who was the lao representative, General Nguyen Vantieu, who was the southern Vietname, and Sisouvath Sirimatak, who was the Khmer representative were selected by the Republic Party of the USA. However, Sirimatak transferred his power to Mr. Lon Nol who was promoted to be a field marsal of Khmer.
In addition, Norodom Sihanuk, who was very closest to the Democratic Pary of the USA was selected by this party.
Samdach had a very good relationship with a senator, called Micheal Joseph Manfield, who was a powerful man in the USA and another senator, called William Fulbright when Samdach became the head of Cambodian National Union Front in Bejiing, and Samdach borrowed the power from Mr. Senotor Micheal Joseph Manfield to achieve his ambition, especially help to investigate both congress members not to agree to provide the assistances to the republic regime of Field Marsel Lon Nol. In this reason, Samdach stressed that his military army ( Khmer Rumdos and Khmer Rough) were in humanitarianism and popularity without any corrupted activities (1975-1979). And this fact was seen worldwide afterwards. The crualities, marsarcares with no justices were seen and hated by human beings. In this sense, Samdach was right because during that decade, the society was good with no monetary form, ownership because Angkar conficated all people's belongings; therefore, that was the purified society that was regarded as popularity by him.
Samdach compared and confirmed that the republic regime of Phnom Penh was farcist, treason, unpopulity, and corruption. Samdach told Mr. Senator Manfield that in Cambodia there was no violation made by Viet Minh and Veit Kong.
For the final result, the failure of the USA was not because of the Republic Party, and it was because of the Democratic Party themselves. Although the regime was in the power of Mr. President Richard Nixon, and then Mr.President Gerald Ford, both congresses led by the majority of the Democratic Party Members, the Republic Party administration only followed the principle of the opposition party. The executive body tried to held the conference in Paris before the presidential election of president Carter.
1 Comment
The General Picture was a veteran Khmer-Actor,N.Rithya.He was one of Khmer Movie star in year of 60-70.
Posted on November 25, 2008 at 11:52 AM