Posted by Khmer Ancestor Thursday, December 4, 2008

Written by: General Raoul Norotin,
Commandant la 5eme BIS des FANK,
Directeur de la DEP et du COC du Haut-Commandement,
Membre de Rhin & Dauube,
Membre CA de L'UNC et AFN,
Ex-President de l'UNACITA

Translated from French Version of Defaced History of Cambodia, Tom 9
Translated as English Script by Kith Mean

In thailand, there had been an explosive situation faced under the leadership of the millilary government, that has been going on for 55 years. Since 1932, Siem had 14 constitutional laws, 16 elections, 18 Coups d'Etat militaires, and 17 cabinets of government. Among the 17 changed prime ministers, 8 of them were high ranking millitery commander, 9 of them were high ranking civil servants. This country was powered for 40 years by the millitary leaders, and for 11 years by the civils; however, the ministers of any ministeries were millilarians. All of the prime ministers nominated in the Thailand history used to be millarians.

All of things were exercised on the peasants for attraction because its city was built for infant trafficking ( children captured from the north-east and sold in Bankok). Because of the unemployment and drug problems, the rich and civil servants were forced to share their markets and powers. And most of the businessmen were Chinese.

In Thailand, there were a numerious separatist organizations, called Pattant National Liberation Organization (PNLO) that rovolt with army weapons against the power of Bangkok. The security problems took place all over the north-east part of Thailand and mountainous areas where 10% of people were controlled by the Thai Communist Party (TCP) formed since 1939 with the support from China and north Vietnam. It was known that in 1978, Deng Xia Ping, Vice-president of China, visited QG (Quartier General), means " Anti-querillar school, located in Lop-Buri of Thailand." However, Bejiing was extremely concerned about this movement, because this party had a closest tendency to Hanio. There, a Radio station, named as "Thai People Voice Radio" broadcasted from Yun-Nan that its broadcasting strength was equal to the one in Bejiing so as to have an influence on the public. ( continued......)

Written by: General Raoul Norotin,
Commandant la 5eme BIS des FANK,
Directeur de la DEP et du COC du Haut-Commandement,
Membre de Rhin & Dauube,
Membre CA de L'UNC et AFN,
Ex-President de l'UNACITA

Translated from French Version of Defaced History of Cambodia, Tom 9
Translated as English Script by Kith Mean

Continued from Part 1

The opposed movement militants, who lived in the capital city, escaped into the jungle after the 06th October, 1976 military coup d'eta event. The student movement for revolution emerged after the topple of dictatatorship regime in 1973, and succeeded in 1976 with the support from Kratings Daengs party ( Buffles Roughes or red Buffles), and this movement supprised the people who lived in Bangkok. Thai Socilaist Party, founded in 1974, were organized its own forces in the jungle. Two years before this movement founded, the president of peasant federation was assasinated. The rightism turned their behaviors to be closed favor of the forces.

In the interval of 1950 when a military treaty was signed by Bangkok and Washington, and in 1971 The united states provided Thailand $900 million as economic aid and $950million as military aid.

In 1976 Thailand allowed the United State to land its aircrafts at B52 airport in order to bomb on Vietnam, and Thailand played gambling when there was a conflict between Cambodia and Vietnam so as to earn more aid from the United States. Since 1976, the United Stated has provided modern weapons to Thailand, and if the military took over Thailand, the United States would take over the military.

Mr. lieutenat-general Prem Tinsulanond, the chief of Thailand Royal government, appointed General C.A. Kiangak Chananand, toppled since 1977. General Kiangak Chananad practiced the nuetral policy for the Vietnam and Cambodia arguement and Chna-Vietnam. However, it was investigated that Thailand had its bias to Washington, Peking, and Asean that continued recognizing Pol Pol to be the chief of Khmer communists. Thailand political stance focused always on the soft deplomacy. Continued .......

Written by: General Raoul Norotin,
Commandant la 5eme BIS des FANK,
Directeur de la DEP et du COC du Haut-Commandement,
Membre de Rhin & Dauube,
Membre CA de L'UNC et AFN,
Ex-President de l'UNACITA

Translated from French Version of Defaced History of Cambodia, Tom 9
Translated as English Script by Kith Mean
Continued from Part 2

In Thailand, there was a crackdown committed and led by Commendemend de Operation de Suppression de Communist (COSC), that was called Commendement of Communist Suppression and Operation. This operation was very attrocity; for instance, the villagers of Phu Gnuom of Norkor Phanon province was victimized of fierce destruction and almost of the women were raped cruelly.

The revolting people and students did the demonstration in general in order to demand the new constitution and reelection. Many times, the demonstrators destroyed, even the front of the royal palace, but Thailand has never solved the main national problems. The national economic was under the hands of the foreign investors, such as Japan, Taiwan, America, and so on. This matter was backed by the rightism, but the royalism was against the communism.

A unsuccessful coup d'eta, committed on 01 April, 1981 in Bangkok, was done constrasting to the world views becaus it was not politically-motivated. This was the competition caused by the 3 sources of commercial activities in the oil companies, including Shell, Caltex, and ESSO. General Prem, a prime minister and also the chief of the oil company, and General Sant Chipatima, a commander and also a chief of the company. This latter man was a member of the revolutionary party that he demanded the new constitution in 1978 in order to solve the main national problem, but he lacked the support from the queen, Sorikit, like Mr. Prem. Therefore, Mr. Prem had an opportunity to control the air and sea forces of the king with the support by many people.

Mr. General Prem regained the power with no bloody attack on 3th April, 1981 and in Korat province, Prachao (Prince) Bhumibol Adul Jadej gave the forgiveness to the coup d'eta committer so that they were possible to return and cooperate with the prime minister. General Sant Chitpatima, a chief of the deligation commandand, fled to Myanma, and his wife and family members fled with withdrawing all his money of 350,000 USD from Charter Bank afterwards.

In a scinario, in 1984 General Arthit Kamlang Ek made a law while General Prem was unhealthy so as to review the government decision of the Bath currency inflation, and forced the accountable ministers to resign from their positions. Thai King was in favor of General Prem, but he did not put a blame on General Arthit. Therefore, General Arthit was provided one more year to lead The Thailand force commandant.

On 9th August, 1985 another Coup d'eta took place led by General Kriangsak Chamanand, a former Prime Minister. Colonel Monoon Roopkhachorn and his brother, named Manat, a former air force soldier. Because of the militery power of that period, the economic power was never forgotten. The military clan had power on Bangkok Bank, Bank of Ayuthaya la Thai Commercial Bank, and a number of insurance companies of commerces and industry. Whereas, SISAO DEVES had its power on a numerous financial companies, insurance companies, transportation companies, commercial companies, and mines.

Until now, when I wrote this article, I lacked some information of Thai military power on the economic sector. However, this clan took power from 60% to 70% of the senators'seats and be the members of the board of dictors of the important positions in Thailand.

Prince Kukrit Pramoi, a president of Thailand Democracy Party and General Chhavlit, vice-director of army forces, intervene to stop committing the coup d'eta in Thailand.


  1. CK Said,

    your blog very beautiful and more info ,make me excited. Congratulation!!

    Posted on December 7, 2008 at 11:06 AM

  2. Anonymous Said,

    Your block is Thai owned just like this one
    is bringing Khmer people image down.

    Posted on February 9, 2009 at 4:23 PM



